Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sardine Fishing

The other night I had the opportunity to go out on a commercial fishing boat, The Eldorado, to take photos. They were fishing for sardine; I found the process very interesting. It included sonar, a good crew, two boats (the main vessel and a skiff), a large net, a small waterproof explosive device, and a giant vacuum, to literally suck the life out of the sea. It was fascinating to see how the seals used this operation to their advantage, leaping in and out of the nets to feast on the trapped sardine.

The Eldorado catches up to 30 tons of sardine in a night.

1 comment:

Matt McLoone said...

Sweet shots. How did you manage that one? I have not had internet for the past few days so i havent been able to post much. We made it up to Belfast last night so i will be posting some images soon.